Mary Cassatt at Work closes Sunday, January 26. On view now at the Legion of Honor.


Necklaces & Pendants



Glory and Exile: Haida History Robes of Jut-ke-Nay Hazel Wilson

Glory and Exile: Haida History Robes of Jut-ke-Nay Hazel Wilson marks the first time this monumental cycle of ceremonial robes by the Haida artist Jut-Ke-Nay (The One People Speak Of)—also known as Hazel Anna Wilson—is viewable in its entirety. On 51 large blankets, Wilson uses painted and appliquéd imagery to combine traditional stories, autobiography, and commentary on events such as smallpox epidemics and environmental destruction into a grand narrative that celebrates the resistance and survival of the Haida people, while challenging the colonial histories of the Northwest Coast. Hardcover, 224 pages.

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