Mary Cassatt at Work closes Sunday, January 26. On view now at the Legion of Honor.


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The Bookseller of Florence: The Story of the Manuscripts That Illuminated the Renaissance

The bestselling author of Brunelleschi’s Dome and Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling captures the excitement and spirit of the Renaissance in this chronicle of the life and work of “the king of the world’s booksellers” and the technological disruption that forever changed the ways knowledge spread.

The Renaissance in Florence conjures images of beautiful frescoes and elegant buildings—the dazzling handiwork of the city’s skilled artists and architects. But equally important for the centuries to follow were geniuses of a different sort: Florence’s manuscript hunters, scribes, scholars, and booksellers, who blew the dust off a thousand years of history and, through the discovery and diffusion of ancient knowledge, imagined a new and enlightened world. Paperback, 496 pages.

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