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At Home: Alice Neel in the Queer World

From her earliest work, Alice Neel's unstinting, visionary engagement with the lives of those around her resulted in a queered, inclusive oeuvre. This aspect of her work is explored for the first time in this new catalogue.

Curated by Hilton Als and organized in collaboration with the Estate of Alice Neel, At Home: Alice Neel in the Queer World highlights the artist’s vibrant involvement with the human condition and extends the reach of her recent retrospectives at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Barbican, and the Centre Pompidou. Within a lifetime of painting, Neel painted many people from many walks of life––this catalogue is the first to focus on queer communities and those who circled within them. This collection of paintings includes rarely seen works of individuals including Frank O’Hara, Allen Ginsberg, and Adrienne Rich, as well as the bohemian theorists, Greenwich Village activists, artists, and politicians who populated these spaces. Hardcover, 144 pages.

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